GS7 - My Data’s Bigger Than Yours! How Restaurant Companies Can Empower Marketing and IT to Work Together and Win
Date & Time
Friday, October 19, 2018, 10:30 AM - 11:10 AM

Bringing the best value to the business requires seeing the business through the lens of both the CIO and CMO. In this session, two executives will engage in a point/counterpoint to expose where differences and synergies lie. Through this dialogue they will expose what is top of mind for both, how to get resources and present a united front to operations. From the vital importance of data and analytics to the need for systems integration, the execs will share best practices and lessons learned. Discover how to realize the full potential of marketing and IT collaboration and how departments must align to achieve the same goals.
Location Name
Broadway Ballroom F
Full Address
Omni Hotel
250 5th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
250 5th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203
United States